Tips for malaria areas
Malaria can be one of the deadliest diseases contractible today. This disease is caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
Did you know that every year there are about 207 million malaria cases? Most of these occur in countries around and near the surrounds of the equator, due to mosquitoes thriving on the humid and hot climate
If you are going to be travelling to a high risk malaria area then make sure you do as much research beforehand to educate yourself on the risk factors in that area and what you can do to prevent contracting Malaria.
When travelling to such areas follow the following A to D tips for malaria prevention:
A. is for Awareness. Always ensure that before you travel to a high-risk area that you completely understand the risks and severity of malaria - it could just save your life.
B. refers to Bite Prevention. The best tactic to avoid malaria is to take measures to avoid getting bitten; this includes using mosquito repellents or the use of mosquito nets.
C. stands Chemoprophylaxis. Before leaving for your trip consult with your GP to discuss the use of an appropriate medicine to prevent malaria. Such medicine includes Mefloquine, Atovaquone, Proguanil or Doxycycline. More importantly, remember to always complete the course of pills given to you, despite some of the side effects that may occur
Lastly, D is for Diagnosis. Before travelling ensure that you know the signs and symptoms of malaria, this way should any signs be present in you or a family member you can seek immediate medical assistance.
Malaria need not be a scary disease that deters you from travels. Just always be aware and prepared and you're likely to have an amazing, stress-free holiday.